

  • Тианептин натрийн CAS: 30123-17-2 5-диоксид Стаблон S-диоксид натрийн давс

    Тианептин натрийн CAS: 30123-17-2 5-диоксид Стаблон S-диоксид натрийн давс

    Contact me Email : salesperson66@yeah.net whatsapp: +8619832408762 wickr: fairyqf Skype:+8619832408762 Usage GW 501516 is an agonist of PPARδ with EC50 value of 1.1 nM. GW501516 is shown to be the most potent and selective PPARα agonists known with an EC 50 of 1. 1 nM against PPARα and 1000-fold selectivity over the other human subtypes, PPARα and -γ. GW501516 exerts anti-inflammatory effects in mouse cultured proximal tubular (mProx)cells. GW501516 inhibits palmitate- and TNFα-induced increa...
  • Үйлдвэрээс хамгийн сайн үнээр нийлүүлдэг PMK этил гликидат CAS 28578-16-7

    Үйлдвэрээс хамгийн сайн үнээр нийлүүлдэг PMK этил гликидат CAS 28578-16-7

    Contact Us Email:ceo66@hbainuodi.com Whatsapp:+8618849057872 Wickr:alice868 Usage PMK ethyl glycidate is an analytical reference standard categorized as a precursor in the synthesis of methylenedioxy phenethylamines and amphetamines, including 3,4-MDMA. This product is intended for research and forensic applications. To a solution of piperonal (1, 3.00 g, 19.9 mmol) in CH2Cl2 (100 mL) was added (carbethoxyethylidene)triphenylphosphorane (2,14.5 g, 40.0 mmol), and the reaction mixtur...
  • BK-EBDP CAS 17764-18-0 ЕХ-ны Кристал

    BK-EBDP CAS 17764-18-0 ЕХ-ны Кристал

    Contact me: Email : salesperson66@yeah.net whatsapp: +8619832408762 wickr: fairyqf Skype:+8619832408762   Characteristic: English name 1-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-2-(ethylamino)butan-1-one Molecular formula C 13 H 18 ClNO 3 Molecular weight 271.740 Accurate mass 271.097534 PSA 47.56000 LogP 3.17900
  • Xylazine CAS NO: 7361-61-7 Ромпун, Анасед, Седазин, Чаназин

    Xylazine CAS NO: 7361-61-7 Ромпун, Анасед, Седазин, Чаназин

    Contact me Email : salesperson66@yeah.net whatsapp: +8619832408762 wickr: fairyqf Skype:+8619832408762 Usage GW 501516 is an agonist of PPARδ with EC50 value of 1.1 nM. GW501516 is shown to be the most potent and selective PPARα agonists known with an EC 50 of 1. 1 nM against PPARα and 1000-fold selectivity over the other human subtypes, PPARα and -γ. GW501516 exerts anti-inflammatory effects in mouse cultured proximal tubular (mProx)cells. GW501516 inhibits palmitate- and TNFα-induced increa...
  • Халуун хямдралтай CAS 94-09-7 Бензокайн цагаан талст нунтаг

    Халуун хямдралтай CAS 94-09-7 Бензокайн цагаан талст нунтаг

    Contact me: Email : salesperson66@yeah.net whatsapp: +8619832408762 wickr: fairyqf Skype:+8619832408762   Characteristic: Chinese name Ethyl 4-aminobenzoate English name benzocaine Chinese alias Benzocaine | Ethyl p-aminobenzoate | Benzocaine | Ethyl-4-aminobenzoate Density 1.1±0.1g/cm3 Boiling point 310.7±15.0 °C at 760 mmHg Melting point 88-90°C Molecular formula C 9 H 11 NO 2 Molecular weight 165.189 Flash point 164.2±17.9°C Accurate mass 165.078979 PSA 52.3...
  • Өндөр цэвэршилттэй CAS 137-58-6 C14H22N2O Лидокаин цагаан нунтаг

    Өндөр цэвэршилттэй CAS 137-58-6 C14H22N2O Лидокаин цагаан нунтаг

    Contact me: Email : salesperson66@yeah.net whatsapp: +8619832408762 wickr: fairyqf Skype:+8619832408762   Characteristic:   English name lidocaine Chinese alias Xylocaine | 2-Diethylamino-N-(2,6-Dimethylphenyl)acetamide | Lidocaine | N-Diethylaminoacetyl-2,6-Dimethylaniline | Cyclocaine | Cyclocaine | N-Diethylacetyl-2,6-Dimethylaniline | lidocaine base Density 1.0±0.1g/cm3 Boiling point 372.7±52.0 °C at 760 mmHg Melting point 66-69°C Molecular formula C 14 H 22 N 2...
  • Sarms Rad 150 Bodybuilding CAS 29622-29-5 цагаан нунтаг

    Sarms Rad 150 Bodybuilding CAS 29622-29-5 цагаан нунтаг

    Contact me Email : salesperson66@yeah.net whatsapp: +8619832408762 wickr: fairyqf Skype:+8619832408762 Usage GW 501516 is an agonist of PPARδ with EC50 value of 1.1 nM. GW501516 is shown to be the most potent and selective PPARα agonists known with an EC 50 of 1. 1 nM against PPARα and 1000-fold selectivity over the other human subtypes, PPARα and -γ. GW501516 exerts anti-inflammatory effects in mouse cultured proximal tubular (mProx)cells. GW501516 inhibits palmitate- and TNFα-induced increa...
  • Химийн бүтээгдэхүүн өндөр чанартай өндөр цэвэр үйлдвэрийн үнэ Bimatoprost CAS 155206-00-1

    Химийн бүтээгдэхүүн өндөр чанартай өндөр цэвэр үйлдвэрийн үнэ Bimatoprost CAS 155206-00-1

    Хэрэглээ Прима бол глауком зэрэг нүдний өвчнийг эмчлэхэд анх хэрэглэж байсан простагландин эм юм.Эмийн нэр нь Лумиган байв.Гэсэн хэдий ч эмчилгээний явцад өвчтөн сормуусны диаметр, урт, нягтрал ихээхэн нэмэгдсэнийг гэнэт олж мэдэв.Үүний дараа ээжийн угсармал бүтээгдэхүүн болох Chemicalbook-ийг сормуус, гоо сайхны эмнэлзүйн туршилтанд ашигласан.Түүний зузаан, өтгөн сормуусанд үзүүлэх асар их нөлөө нь Lattise-д шууд чиглэгдсэн Lattise o...


    Contact me: Email:ceo66@hbainuodi.com Whatsapp/Skape:+8618849057872 Wickr:alice868 SR-9009 is an agonist at nuclear receptor Rev-ErbA. Greatly diminishes VILI-induced lung edema, inflammatory cell infiltration and TNFα production in a rat lung injury model. SR-9009 suppresses atherosclerosis in a mouse model. Specifically lethal to cancer cells and oncogene-induced senescent cells with no effect on the viability of normal cells or tissues. Disrupts pain associated with osteoarthritis by reduc...
  • Фенилэтиламин CAS 64-04-0

    Фенилэтиламин CAS 64-04-0

    Фенилэтиламин Хайлах температур -60 °C Буцлах температур 197-200 °C (лит.) нягт 0.962 г/мл 20 ° C (лит.) уурын нягт 4.18 (агаартай харьцуулахад) уурын даралт 4 гПа (20 ° C) хугарлын илтгэгч n20 /D 1.533(lit.) Fp 195 °F хадгалах температур.+30 хэмээс доошгүй хэмд хадгална.уусах спирт: чөлөөтэй уусдаг(асдаг) шингэн pka 9...
  • CAS NO: 67579-76-4 U-48800

    CAS NO: 67579-76-4 U-48800

    Contact me Email : salesexecutive1@yeah.netirements whatsapp: +8618931626169 wickr: lilywang Usage HU-210 is the (–) enantiomer of 11-OH-D 8-THC-DMH, which has almost all the activities of cannabinoids, while the (+) enantiomer, called HU-211, is inactive as a cannabinoid, but acts instead as a cannabinoid as an NMDA antagonist with neuroprotective effects. HU-210 may promote proliferation, but not differentiation, of cultured embryonic hippocampal neural stem cells and progenitor cells...
  • HU-210 CAS NO: 12830-95-2

    HU-210 CAS NO: 12830-95-2

    Contact me Email : salesperson66@yeah.net whatsapp: +8619832408762 wickr: fairyqf Skype:+8619832408762 Usage GW 501516 is an agonist of PPARδ with EC50 value of 1.1 nM. GW501516 is shown to be the most potent and selective PPARα agonists known with an EC 50 of 1. 1 nM against PPARα and 1000-fold selectivity over the other human subtypes, PPARα and -γ. GW501516 exerts anti-inflammatory effects in mouse cultured proximal tubular (mProx)cells. GW501516 inhibits palmitate- and TNFα-induced increa...